The Truth Will Always Defeat Lies


By Hudson George

50 years now and things have not changed as we have expected.

The same old songs they are singing.

The same old political gospel they are preaching

Yes, they are accredited to make to false stories and we know that

They are accredited to speak, teach and organize

They are accredited to distort the truth and replace it with lies

They are  conform to what they are doing

Even though they know it is wrong

Their numbers are limited but their confidence survive on weak minds

Their confidence is parasitic

Their academic accreditations are plentiful

As the oil saying goes

“Knowledge is power!”

Simple-minded people follow the crowd

Thinkers deals with logics

With good reasoning and progressive thoughts

50th year and the political series continues

Imagine that our history will be compromised

Our history will be tampered, amputated, reorganize and contaminated

Like the history of Christopher Columbus story

We must be prepared to teach our children at home

As a solution to repair the social damage

Even though they create a system to brainwashed the innocents’

We must always remember home schooling is important

Home schooling is recommended like herbal medicine

To heal the social brainwashing

We must tell our children that Oliver Cromwell

Was never made a hero in Britain

His dead body was exhumed from the grave and hanged

Even though a dead rotten corpse cannot feel any pain

His enemies still  tried to punished the dead

Maybe the old Fort George might become our Madam Tusad museum

But we must focus on home-schooling our children

We must prepare our children for future changes

It is obvious in the future, a new crop of leaders will arise to power

They will definitely change the false narratives

We must remember that slavery didn’t last forever

The evils ones will always be the losers

Don’t worry too much

A new day is coming

The truth always defeat the lies


A writer from Grenada living in Canada

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